Explore keyword cannibalization, its impact on SEO, and strategies to optimize for it. Dive deep into best practices to boost your site’s visibility.

Introduction & Understanding Keyword Cannibalization

The term “keyword cannibalization” might sound a tad ominous. But, fret not! It doesn’t involve anything gory. Instead, it’s a concept that can significantly impact your website’s SEO performance, sometimes in ways you hadn’t imagined. Whether you’re a newbie in the world of SEO or a seasoned marketer, understanding keyword cannibalization is vital.

Keyword cannibalization happens when multiple pages on your website target the same keyword or keyword phrase (user search queries). Instead of supporting and boosting one another, these pages end up competing with each other in search engine results (SERPs).

Ever felt like you’re competing with yourself? That’s precisely how your web pages feel when they’re cannibalizing keywords!

Common Myths About Keyword Cannibalization

Some might say, “More pages, the higher the chances to rank!” But in the SEO realm, less can sometimes be more. Multiple pages targeting the same keyword don’t guarantee better search visibility.

It’s Not Always Negative

Firstly, it’s essential to understand that keyword cannibalization isn’t inherently bad. In some instances, dominating the SERPs for a particular keyword with multiple pages from your site might be strategic. It can give users more entry points to your website and potentially block competitors from ranking higher.

Human Hands Holding a Tablet and Searching for Keywords in a Search Box
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Why is Keyword Cannibalization a Concern?

Why is keyword cannibalism bad for SEO? Keyword cannibalization, often referred to as keyword cannibalism, occurs when multiple pages on your website compete for the same target keyword. While having content on similar topics isn’t inherently wrong, problems arise when they’re so closely related that search engines struggle to determine which one is more relevant. Thus, this can mislead search engines about which page should rank for the targeted keyword. This could result in:

  • Decreased Authority: Instead of having one strong page, you have several weaker ones. And they are competing with each other. When multiple pages target the same keyword, they effectively compete against each other. Instead of consolidating link equity and authority into one strong page, you spread it thinly across several pages. This dilution can weaken the potential of any single page to rank prominently.
  • Diluted Backlinks: Links that could have gone to one consolidated page are spread out to different pages.
  • Confused Search Engines: Google and other search engines may rank a less relevant page over another.
  • Reduced CTR (Click-Through Rate): Search engines might display multiple pages from the same site for a single query. Users might get confused or perceive the content as repetitive, reducing the likelihood of clicking on any single result, which can decrease your overall CTR.
  • Loss of Relevant Traffic: Search engines might end up ranking the less relevant page for a keyword over the one you intended. As a result, users might not find the information they’re looking for, leading to higher bounce rates and decreased user satisfaction, which can negatively affect your rankings.
  • Wasted Crawl Budget: Search engines allocate a specific crawl budget for each website. If several pages are competing for the same keyword, it can lead to wasteful crawling, and critical pages might not get indexed as frequently.
  • Difficulty in Tracking and Analyzing Performance: Having multiple pages rank for a single keyword can make it challenging to determine which page is driving traffic, conversions, or other desired actions. This ambiguity can hinder data-driven decision-making.
  • Inefficient Use of Resources: Creating and maintaining content requires resources, be it time, money, or effort. Keyword cannibalization might mean that you’re allocating resources to produce competing content instead of diversifying and covering other valuable topics.
  • SEO Efforts Go to Waste: Time and resources spent on optimizing pages are wasted when they compete against each other.
  • Potential For Negative User Experience: If users frequently encounter multiple similar pages from your site for different queries, they might perceive it as a lack of depth or expertise on the topic, leading to a diminished user experience.
  • Impaired Conversion Paths: If users land on a page you didn’t intend for a particular keyword, they might not follow your desired conversion path. This can result in fewer leads or sales than if the user landed on the more relevant, optimized page.
Man Stoping Domino Stones From Falling With His Hands
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How to Prevent Keyword Cannibalization

Preventing keyword cannibalization is crucial for maintaining an effective SEO strategy. By ensuring that your content targets unique keywords and serves distinct purposes, you can drive organic traffic more efficiently. Here’s how:

Conduct Thorough Keyword Research

Before writing content, conduct comprehensive keyword research. Identify the primary and secondary keywords for every piece of content and make sure they don’t overlap with existing pages. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and Semrush can be invaluable here.

Maintain a Content Calendar

Using a content calendar lets you plan your content in advance, ensuring that topics and targeted keywords don’t clash. By visualizing your content strategy, you can pinpoint potential overlap before it becomes an issue.

Regular Content Audits

Conducting regular content audits will help you identify any unintentional overlaps. By frequently checking and re-assessing your content’s SEO performance, you can spot issues early and rectify them before they escalate. Remember that small things matter, and they build up if left untouched.

Understand User Intent

For every keyword or topic, understand the user’s intent behind it. If two pieces of content serve the same intent but target slightly different keywords, you might still run into cannibalization.

Use Topic Clusters

Organize your content into topic clusters. This means having one main pillar content piece and several smaller pieces linked to it, each targeting different sub-topics or keywords related to the main topic. This strategy ensures that your content remains interconnected without competing against each other.

Monitor SERP Rankings

Keep an eye on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for your primary keywords. If you notice multiple pages from your site ranking for the same keyword, it might be time to re-assess and refine your strategy.

Educate & Brief Your Content Team

Ensure that everyone involved in content creation understands the importance of avoiding keyword cannibalization. This unified understanding will naturally lead to content that targets distinct, non-competing keywords.

Create Comprehensive, All-encompassing Content

Instead of producing multiple short pieces on similar topics, consider creating a single, in-depth piece. This minimizes the risk of overlap and can position your content as an authoritative source on the topic.

Implement a Strong Internal Linking Strategy

By linking relevant content pieces together, you can guide search engines on which page to prioritize for specific keywords. Ensure the anchor text used for internal links is varied and relevant to the content it’s pointing to.

Use Tags and Categories Wisely

On platforms like WordPress, be cautious when using tags and categories. Excessive tagging or categorizing can lead to numerous pages with very similar content, inadvertently causing keyword cannibalization.

Identifying and Fixing Keyword Cannibalization
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How to Identify Keyword Cannibalization

As mentioned above, identifying keyword cannibalization means spotting instances where two or more of your web pages are competing for the same or similar keywords, leading to potential confusion for search engines and, more importantly, reduced efficacy in your SEO efforts.

Tools to Spot Keyword Cannibalization

Several SEO tools in the market can help:

  • Google Search Console: Look for pages with decreased performance and check if another similar page has shown increased performance.
  • Semrush: Use the “Position Tracker” tool to see if multiple URLs from your site rank for the same keyword. You can also read the Position Tracking Cannibalization Report.
  • Ahrefs: The “Organic Keywords” report can reveal instances where you have multiple pages ranking for the same keyword.

Manual Checks

Regularly review your content. Especially after publishing a new article, check previous articles to ensure there’s no overlap in the primary and secondary keywords.

Analyzing Internal Links

A sudden change in your internal link distribution can also hint at cannibalization. If many internal links point towards a newer article, it could potentially cannibalize the older one.

Monitoring Organic Traffic

A sudden dip in traffic for a consistently well-performing page, especially after publishing a new piece on a similar topic, can be a sign.

Fix SEO With Tools
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How to Fix Keyword Cannibalization

Before diving into fixes, it’s essential to understand why keyword cannibalization occurred in the first place. Was it due to a lack of communication, content oversight, or a shift in strategy?

Merging Content With 301 Redirects

When two pages have very similar content and intent, merging them becomes the logical step. After consolidating the content, ensure that the page you’re discontinuing redirects to the new comprehensive version using a 301 redirect.

A 301 redirect ensures that search engines understand the old URL has permanently moved to a new location, passing on the link equity and preserving SEO value.

Using Canonical Tags

If merging content isn’t feasible, use a canonical tag. This tells search engines which version of a page you consider as the authoritative one, guiding them to prioritize it over other similar pages.

Adjusting Your Internal Linking Strategy

Prioritize your desired page by modifying your internal links. For example, if you want a specific page to rank for a keyword, ensure other pages link to it using that keyword as anchor text.

De-optimize Over-Optimized Pages

If a page is optimized for a keyword it shouldn’t rank for, consider reducing that keyword’s frequency or changing its placement.

Using Nofollow and Noindex Tags

For content that you deem less important or don’t want to appear in search results, utilize the “nofollow” and “noindex” tags. However, exercise caution; these are powerful tools that can remove pages from search results entirely.

Refresh Old Content

Update older content to ensure it aligns with current SEO goals, breathing new life into it and ensuring it’s in harmony with the rest of your content.

Maintain a Detailed Content Inventory

To avoid future keyword cannibalization issues, keep an inventory of all published content, noting down the primary and secondary keywords they target.

Conclusion & Summary
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Conclusion: The Takeaway

Keyword cannibalization is more than just a catchy term. It’s a real issue that can hinder your SEO efforts. Identifying and rectifying these issues will pave the way for better rankings and a more streamlined website.

Remember, in the world of SEO; it’s always about offering the best and most relevant content for the searcher. And while keywords are the bridge between the user’s query and your content, ensuring that only one strong, relevant page answers that query is crucial. Avoid becoming your own competition. Dive deep into your content, rectify overlaps, and watch your web pages soar in rankings!


Let’s answer some FAQs about keyword cannibalization.

Why do websites end up with cannibalized keywords?

The reasons can range from:

  • Over-optimization: Attempting to rank for the same keyword across multiple articles, blog posts, or products.
  • Lack of Content Audit: Not periodically checking what content ranks for which keywords.
  • Content Proliferation: Over time, as websites grow and produce more content, it’s easy to forget what’s already been written. Be sure always to check!
  • Multiple Authors: Large websites may have various authors, leading to unintentional overlaps.
  • Evolving SEO Strategies: What was a separate keyword a year ago might become a variation of another due to changing search patterns.

How can you avoid keyword cannibalization?

Prevention is always better than cure; let’s explain it simply:

  • Regular Audits: Regularly audit your content to identify overlaps.
  • Keyword Mapping: Assign specific keywords to particular pages.
  • Consider Search Intent: Differentiate between informational and transactional keywords.

Does keyword cannibalization affect backlinks?

Absolutely. When external sites want to link to a definitive resource on your website about a specific topic, they might get confused by multiple pages targeting the same keyword. This diffusion can weaken the authority that could have been consolidated on one powerful page.

What is the role of search intent in avoiding keyword cannibalization?

Search intent is the “why” behind a user’s search. Recognizing this intent can be your secret weapon against cannibalization. For instance, someone searching for “apple” could be looking for the fruit or the tech company. Distinguishing between “informational” and “transactional” intent can guide content creation and prevent overlaps.

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Avatar of Furkan Ozkaya

I am a results-driven SEO and Content Manager with years of experience in SEO, web services, and content management. I am a native speaker of English with a C1-C2 level of proficiency (ESL). I also possess additional skills in SQL, phpMyAdmin, cPanel, WordPress, HTML/CSS/PHP, social media, Semrush, Ahrefs, ChatGPT, and various other digital marketing tools.

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